Recovery point objective explained
Along with a recovery time objective , a recovery point objective is one of the primary tools for establishing a disaster recovery plan or a data protection plan. It’s also a tool for helping an enterprise select the data backup plan that meets its needs.
Recovery point objectives and recovery time objectives establish the foundation for determining and discerning strong inclusion strategies for the business continuity plan. These strategies should allow for the speedy resumption of business processes within a time frame equal to or close to the RPO and RTO.1
Although they’re both tied into determining disaster recovery, a recovery point objective must remain independent of an recovery time objective or the minimum estimated time needed to restore regular operations following a system or network failure.
Like recovery time objectives, recovery point objectives helps determine disaster recovery policies and procedures. The recovery point objective helps administrators choose the best backup and recovery technologies to use, depending on the overall design strategy that data loss shouldn’t delay the recovery time objective.